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Publication date : 2017/04/01
Dimensions 19.3 x 24.8 cm
Objects/Time/Offerings presents the archive of artist Ken Tisa. An acclaimed painter and ceramist, Tisa has spent decades traveling and collecting artifacts, handicrafts, dolls, puppets, gag gifts, and unique objects from around the world. This book presents a small slice of Tisa’s extensive, obsessive, collection of objects. Objects hail from across the globe: Haiti, Java, Czech Republic, Africa, Argentina, from a time before the handicraft industry was commodified by tourism.
This full color book presents images of Tisa’s archives photographed by Josie Keefe juxtaposed with personal photos and early ephemeral installations. All the images are framed and contextualized by an extensive oral history interview with Tisa by Svetlana Kitto.
Midnight La Frontera
Wade Guyton. 26 avril – 7 juin 2008
PASACO, 1996